Saturday, June 30, 2012

salvation from rotted potatoes

my delicious csa!

I begged. I pleaded. I cajoled… and finally my parents agreed to split a half-share CSA with me. ‘Perfect!’ thought I, ‘with only a half share I will be able to ease myself in to the challenges of constant vegetable supply.’

Imagine my shock when my father dropped a massive basket full of green on my doorstep. What will I do with all these vegetables?! How will I eat them all? How do you preserve a bunch of kale the size of your head? And WHAT (for the love of all things holy) what do you do with rhubarb besides bake pie?

Fast forward to approximately 3 weeks of half-soft vegetables stuffed in the bottom drawer of my fridge (and my roommate’s enmity). In my hour of need, and at the behest of many stinky potatoes, I decided to turn to my dear friend (and wunderkind bpl teen librarian) Laura Koenig to see how she has managed her own half share for the last few years.

From our conversations, CSA and Circuses was born: A place to share ideas, adventures, recipes, and plans for fresh vegetables.

what happens when i don't plan ahead...
my first failed attempt at marinating veggies...

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